Salam sayang for those out there
Just a quick update as this blog has not breath quite a long period.
ENT-Finally end.Means,really ends with the lecture and exam.But not with the final big exam yet.Then,i need to re-re-re open the book and re-read everything and re-memorize all!It this means that i am studying because of the exam? What an attitude!
About the end round exam of ENT...oh,first,the preparation! Erm,everything JUST fine! Though i have lot of times but still that won't be enough with those sleeping,playing times i spend on!But,the period of revising all things of one big subject was really fun and enjoyable, when at the end of the study leave period,you will know every single details about it!You'll be able to re-write all the sentences proudly!And that is priceless! But then,just a minutes after the exam finished,your mind won't remember none of those!Magic it is!
Oh,how was my answer?? :( huhu....the first question took most of my times by thinking which one was the perfect correct answer.I gave 2 answers for that question! Confusing it was as i kept changing the answer in 1 hour period of exam! Gave this first answer big pencil cross then erased it.Then,after a while,the second answer got rejected.I kept doing this up till the last 2mins of exam,i finally make my decision,and choose the answer that i hope will give me the marks! yES,not so happy for being this confused! And i hope there will be not repetition of this!
Then comes our last round -Opthalmology which will start TOMORROW, not today! Thinking of no time for holidays-just Thursday and Friday- i successfully make myself tired and powerless! Thursday,i make my big cooking project starting from the morning up till Asar and then continued with video-making for the GDO(Girl's Day Out) on the next day.Then,rushingly,went to Metro to be at Rub'ah for my Tajwid class up till 9pm.But,i reached home nearly at 10pm! For the eagerness of taking the bus rather than usual taxi!
Reached home with no energy left and cook something to eat before going to sleep! Woke up that morning,re-memorize An Nisa as a preparation for my next class at 11am!After finishing the Qiraat class,having some lunch with Nadira and Siti at Sabi'( this part,i like the most!).Then ,again,took the taxi to ARMA for the GDO that had reached the last part! 15mins there and rushed back home!
After Asar,i was back on street for accompanying my 2 same friends which i have lunch with to do some shopping.Before maghrib,i was home when something bad happened.Sal's keys had lost and after a day it was found on the water pump.Afraid of being duplicated, after Magrib,i back on street looking for the shop to change the door lock of my house.But,being a girl with little experience of this hardware thing,my mission of finding the shop give zero success! Thanks for those helping us get through this little problem!
2 days past with no rest and this morning.lazily woke up for the class,but then,after 20mins walk to the ward 16 and 15mins of waiting,then, i was informed that the actual class is tomorrow!! huhu....
Ok,that is! See ya!
Allah,moga Engkau mudahkan segala yang bakal aku tempuhi dan Kau jadikan segala yang berlaku itu adalah yang terbaik buat aku!
Rabbi yassir wa la tu a'sir!
note: Natrah akan pindah keluar dari rumah ini esok! Then there will be only 4 of us~Sayonara~
kura-kura blaja wat kuih
14 years ago
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