Hari ini Allah bagi kekuatan untuk saya sekali lagi ke Operation Theatre (OT) selepas pengalaman bermakna minggu lepas.Kali ini saya buat persediaan lebih awal.Sebelum pergi,saya siap bersarapan untuk mengelakkan hypoglycemic due stress nanti.On the way to hospital,i bought my self chocolate.Just in case!
Sampai sana,we changed into our surgical suit.Yep,new rule-each student has to wear a complete set of surgical suit before entering the OT- Masuk kawasan OT saya ke room number 4 -usually used for major operation.Here,there was a child already on anaesthesia with wide open mouth.Lynne already there and she told us this was the tonsillectomy-removal of the tonsil-.Actually,at the time we reached there,the surgery was already near its end.Don't see much but enough to give me a little motivation to be a strong girl today!
Then,we enter the 3rd OT where there was a woman about 3o years old laid flat on the bed,still conscious.The anaesthetic was doing their job.Took a quite long period to anaesthetise this patient.Then,the nurse put on some iodine around the face and closed the eye after putting some gel on it.A doctor there told us that they will do the inferior turbinectomy -partial removal of the elevation part of the nasal cavity that hypertrophied due to allergic-
After the anaesthetic showed the effect,a doctor came in and started to widen the nose.First,he took a small scissor-like instrument(don't know what exactly the correct name) and started to cut the inside part.No,i couldn't see anything except the cutting sound! The doctor clung his teeth while doing the cutting!Then,a very big long meat like came out from the nose-very big that we won't believe that this long big hypertrophied turbinate had a space in this tiny little nose of us.That's why it caused the difficulty of breathing.It is contraindicated to pull out all part of turbinate as it will result in a very roomy nose that need to be compensated by again,hypertrophied turbinate.For your knowledge,turbinate is a structure that control the amount of air that enter the nose.So if the room is very big,so the air that enter will also increased.In order to work effectively,the turbinate will enlarged to make it less roomy.
I waited till the doctor woke the patient up.The patient was left with the anaesthetic while the ENT doctor that did the surgery was nowhere seen.The anaesthetic do some massage at the lower part of the face and told the patient " Khud annafs min buuk"-take the breath by your mouth-.The patient slowly regained her concsiousness and here came the fantastic moment-"Madam,ulli alhamdulillah..ulli alhamdulillah-say alhamdulillah-.He kept repeating this sentence up till the patient did mention the word "ALHAMDULILLAH".The doctor then smiled and with a relief face he just told that "the patient is now ok!"
Me,watching by side of the room,felt that,how big is the role of a doctor.Not just treat the physical illness but more important the batinniyah! Deep inside my heart-yes,i want to be a doctor just like this! Not many from doctor nowadays that indirectly put the da'wah element in their practise! I want to be ONE that did!
And last case that i attended was a myringoplasty operation.This operation is simply to replace the perforated drum by new one.The graft was taken from cartilage of the tragus-small elevation before entering the ear on face site-.After opened up the tragus,the doctor cut out a little piece of cartilage and put it down onto the perforated drum to close up the hole.This graft will act as a bridge for the epithelium growth of the new drum!
There was no major operation today but alhamdulillah,i did'nt faint this time! Yey! Inoue is getting stronger and insyaALLAH will be lot more stronger afterwards! Cik,time kasih give me the advice- Selawat byk2 before entering the OT and ask allah for the strength.Alhamdulillah,it worked today!
kura-kura blaja wat kuih
14 years ago
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